1. Gluten effects can manifest anywhere in the body Gluten is primarily an inflammatory molecule, whether a person has NCGS (non-celiac gluten sensitivity) or celiac disease (CD). Gluten effects the neuro-immunological organization of the body, and depending on a person’s inherent weaknesses, can manifest anywhere in the body. 2.) Mental & Brain Disorders Today, I […]
Continue ReadingWhat is “leaky gut”? The formal name for this is called intestinal permeability and all the action happens in the small intestine. Here lie the villi and microvilli, likened in an analogy to “shag carpet”. These connect to the cells at the base where nutrients flow into the body through the bloodstream. Things like gluten, […]
Continue ReadingMetabolic syndrome is a health condition marked by having at least 3 of 5 symptoms: abdominal obesity/”apple shape”, elevated blood pressure, elevated fasting glucose level, high serum triglycerides, and low HDL (high density cholesterol/”good cholesterol”. It is also called Prediabetes, cardiometabolic syndrome, syndrome X. The central feature is insulin resistence. One thing that is little […]
Continue ReadingToday, as research continues into the field called “the spectrum of gluten-related disorders”, a new study offering diagnostic markers in blood work that points to actual data indicating that there is indeed a syndrome called Nonceliac Gluten Intolerance or Gluten Sensitivity (GS). (J Clin Gastroenterol 2011;00000-000) In this study, specific IgG antibody markers, which is […]
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